Checkpoint Sundays
Checkpoint Sundays happen once a month on the last Sunday of the month. This is an altogether all family service where we celebrate Communion.
It's called a Checkpoint because we are on a ROAD TRIP in earnest pursuit of Jesus. We find hope and freedom in the love of Christ. Periodically on the ROAD TRIP we need to stop and check our bearings. Are we really where we want to be? To do this we:
Remember what God has done in the past; our past, the ancient past, the recent past.
Re-evaluate where we are. Have we strayed from the path that we meant to be following? Getting off course even a little can have a deep impact on our eventual destination.
Refocus by centring ourselves on our North Star, Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of our faith and is the one that we look to is all things.

We celebrate and notice key moments:
Child Dedications
Heartbreak Survivors
Blessing of the Bags
Those are the kinds of things that we pause to take a closer look at. We take a photo and celebrate that LANDMARK in our shared history, then get back to the earnest pursuit.