Burnett Update 100119

Ministry Week

As soon as exams finished the students left for their ministry team assignments. Derek and Rev. Mook's team led the service on Sunday and then visited three elementary schools yesterday, playing games, singing songs and explaining the gospel through drama. On one hand it's amazing that we have such freedom to share God's love, on the other hand, we know that this is mostly just seed-sowing, and the first sowing at that! May it please the Lord and make His name famous.

Tonight the students came for "foreign food" and games at our house, and tomorrow they are off to pass out tracts and then to meet with students at the university in the evening. They are ministering with three churches and a campus outreach organization this week.

Please Pray
1. Continue to pray for safety for all four ministry teams as well as open doors and open hearts. Pray that Jesus will encourage the students as the minister and that their courage and message will make an eternal impression on the Thai who meet them.
2. Please pray for Chu. He came to NBS from a career as a lawyer, very self confident and just a bit brash. He left immediately after finals "turning in his tie". I think it's a partially lack of acceptance from the professors and partially his pride. Would you please pray that, if God wants him in ministry, that he will come back and give us another chance to pour into his life.
3. Continue to pray for revival in the churches in Thailand. May He begin with us.
Concluding remarks
"Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do." M. Batterson
love from Khon Kaen,
bonnie for derek, carlin, jesse and jemma