Burnett Update 112619

Turkey Dinner and Christmas Decorations

... and Thanksgiving (American) hasn't even come yet! Last Wednesday our C&MA coworkers celebrated God's faithfulness together, and this morning we arrived on Campus to find it all dressed up to celebrate His birth..
Something interesting that happens when you live a long way from home is that special events become special simply because you have something to celebrate - either with new friends or with friends who miss home, too. Suddenly when you celebrate is not so important. In fact, here in Thailand, believers celebrate Christmas on the Sunday closest to the day - because Dec. 25th is not even a holiday in Buddhist Thailand.

Please Pray
1. It's my (Bonnie's) turn to preach next Tuesday in chapel. Please, would you pray that the Lord would give me the words to say, but even more that I would have confidence in Him. I want to be the kind of woman who depends on Him without fear.
2. Continue to pray for Derek as he works on his thesis, which must be submitted by Feb. 1. Would you pray that the Holy Spirit empowers him to keep pushing on even when he is tired, and gives him insight that will make the thesis helpful to pastors when he is finished.
3. Continue to pray for God's power in our classes. Power to speak Thai, power to understand, and power to live the truth we each learn. Today, I went to Theology 4 excited by what the Holy Spirit had given me to teach, but after a day of cleaning/decorating yesterday, half of the class could hardly keep their eyes open. It made me sad that they could not listen to what the Lord had for them today. Please pray against distractions and obstacles that hinder growth in our lives and faith.
Concluding remarks
"I do not think we can be too earnest in a matter for which Christ was so much in earnest that He laid down his life." J. Gilmour
love from Khon Kaen,
bonnie for derek, carlin, jesse and jemma