Personal Ministry

Serve. Get involved. Grow Your Faith.

Personal Ministry

One of the best life skills you can grow into is learning to take your eyes of yourself and put them on helping someone else. When you are faced with someone else's needs it frequently helps to place your own needs into a new Jesus adjusted focus.

If you want to know Jesus more than learn to love those whom Jesus loves, serve those Jesus loves.

What fits you? Where are you must gifted or skilled to help? What special talents or skills do you have? Here are some things to stimulate that big brain of yours and to get you thinking, to get you dreaming about where you can make a difference.

Invite someone.

Share your story.

Mentor someone.

Lead someone to Jesus.

Fields / Departments / Areas

Here some some options to consider, but please don't let them limit you.












This a journey not a destination

As you grow and discover more about who you are and what you are like you will have new ideas that pop into your head. That's a good thing.

You will not see or understand everything at the beginning. It's a grow as you go kind-a-thing.

The key is to start.

You won't know until you try.

All of our areas of service have a trial window option. You are not locked in forever and change is expected.

Not sure?

You know you want to be involved but you are not sure what to do or what the next step might be?

Use the contact us button below and start the conversation. We'd love to help you grow your faith through the pursuit of your Personal Ministry.