Fundraising Updates:
This fall we found out that we have some special matching gift pledges for our RENOVATION PROJECT: Accessibility GIVING! We have two donors who are willing to match giving up to $10,000 each! That is $20,000 of matched giving towards our goal of Breaking Down Barriers and Opening Doors!
So, if the rest of us can make some adjustments, reprioritize some spending, pledge and plan a little differently we can throw a combined $40,000 (or more) down on our project and prevent us from having to pay interest on those funds.
$20,000 Donation Matching
Project Funding:
Overall Project Costs:
- Original estimate from Architect June 2018 $250,000
- Initial Contractor estimates average June 2019 $415,000
- Renegotiated contractor proposal (some elements of project removed) July 2019 $300,000
- Additional costs $50,000
- Total Project = $350,000
*(Numbers have been rounded off)
- Enabling Accessibility Fund: In2one Community Church received $100,000 from the Federal Government to aid in creating an accessible space!
- New Horizons for Seniors Program: Application submitted to the Federal Government in June, 2019 to receive additional funding towards the kitchen renovation to support seniors programming - awaiting response (Likely in 2020)
- Whitchurch-Stouffville Community Grants: Applications were submitted to the Town of W/S on Sept. 1, 2019 and Oct. 31, 2019 to apply for additional funding towards the barrier free washrooms and lift (Will hear back by Dec. 1, 2019).
- GoFundMe: Check out our crowd funding page at https://www.gofundme.com/in2one-project-accessibility and share, share, share!
- Fundraising Campaigns: We will be starting additional fundraising campaigns in the coming months to continue raising money and awareness to make our building accessible for everyone in the community....stay tuned!
Total Project Fundraising
Project Updates:
Recent Updates
Most Recent Update:
November 10
Construction is well under way and a lot of change has happened! Demolition has happened, new walls, wiring, and plumbing are going in, and the shaft for the lift will be started shortly! Check out our social media pages for photo updates as we go along.
Friday October 18
The demolition begins Monday October 21. So that means that Sunday October 20th is our last Sunday at in2one until December 01. Find out more about church services and meeting info HERE.
Thursday we made the first payment on our new elevator/lift. The drawings are going into production now. The lift will be the last part installed and it probably won't be fully operational until the end of February. Wow, right? It takes longer than I thought too.
But when we return to in2one for December 01 most of the other renovations will be done. That means new accessible bathrooms, new basement room configuration (larger main room, renovated new classroom, levelled floor and new kitchen configuration), and a new front entry way. The front steps will be removed and replaced with a gentle ramp. The inner main lobby will be reconfigured with more space and a lower floor. The stairs will be reset to allow for access to the lift. Then, of course, there will be a new elevator shaft built into the North West corner of what we have been calling the lounge.
This is all going to be pretty exciting to see and to use. Probably not a bad idea to plan on inviting someone to show it to during the Christmas season.
Now, of course you also need to remember that none of this happens for free. We are stepping forward in faith and trusting God, the ONE who opens the doors in our lives. If he opens it, then we can walk through in confidence and in obedience. Be part of this exciting story and please consider contributing now. You can do that by clicking right HERE.
Thanks for prayerfully considering how you might be involved.
Thursday October 04
SteerCom meets and approves modified construction schedule.
Crews begin on site work on October 07. Initial work will be measuring and ordering speciality parts such as new doors for main entrance. Full crew and demolition begins no later than October 21, but perhaps before. SteerCom has decided then to be out of 6273 Main Street from after service on October 20 and then return for Sunday December 01. In2one has been welcomed to join Stouffville Christian Church at 6528 Main St, Stouffville where we will partner together to offer a service at 10:30am. We will pack up much of our equipment to continue our style of church including Kids Church for these 5 weeks.
Reasons for moving.
As you might imagine there will be significant demolition at the early stages of this renovation. Safety is an issue but also speed of work. We want to keep our kids safe and our non-kids also. :) Major front door changes including removing and lowering the floor in the entrance, drastic stairwell adjustment and the creation of an elevator shaft. Also both washrooms will be completely removed and rebuilt. Combined these factors make ongoing building use unsafe and unwise.
Just imagine how fun it will be to come back on December 01! The project will not be entirely finished then but huge adjustments will be visible. Start planning now to make this an invite event. Who can you bring along to share this excitement with?
About PROJECT: Accessibility
Project Accessibility is about making In2one Community Church a place that continues to break down barriers and open doors spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
We are on a ROAD TRIP together in earnest pursuit of Jesus, and part of that calling has brought us to consider making changes to the physical elements of our building that will allow easier entry, exit, and general use of the building for people of all abilities in our community.
What is included in this renovation?:
- Phase 1 - Main Entrance: Scope includes bringing the door down to ground level, lowering the floor and changing the landings/stairways inside the main entrance, and replacing the exterior doors with accessible push button entry doors.
- Phase 2 - Lift Between 3 Levels: Scope includes installing a lift that will allow people to access both the main level (sanctuary) and lower level (basement) without the use of the stairs.
- Phase 3 - Barrier Free Washrooms: Scope includes renovating both washrooms to allow for one larger barrier free, fully accessible washroom with a push button doorway and a second renovated washroom; both for general use. A sidelight window in the door will also be installed in the main room to allow sight lines for supervision of children using the facilities during programming.
- Phase 4 - Lower Level/North End Rooms: Scope includes completing a lower level landing where the lift access will be, opening up the large room to the lift space, removing the two small classrooms in the North end to create one larger 3rd classroom along the same wall as the existing classroom and nursery, and adding a fire door at the bottom of the back stairwell.
- Phase 5 - Kitchen/Servery: Scope includes renovating the existing servery/kitchen area to be more accessible and user friendly (i.e., more central floor space, more cupboard space, larger re-located sinks, new entry way etc...

How can YOU get Involved?:
- Pray for us: Pray that the project would go smoothly, that God would continue opening doors, that funding would come as it's needed, that we would be able to use our space to better serve the community and bring glory to God!
- Volunteer: Some aspects of the project may require volunteers. Are you skilled? Let us know how you can help and watch for sign-up opportunities in the coming months to get involved and help out!
- Donate: Can you financially help out? It's a big project, with a big price tag, and every little bit counts! Can you pledge an amount? Pay for a bucket of paint? Or add a little extra to your regular donations? You can designate your gift on both the physical offering envelope and at our online giving portal.
- Spread the Word: It's our mission that the world may know that we care about them and that God loves them even more. Let people know what we're doing! Share our fundraising pages and information on social media or with your friends. Invite people to come and check us out! #mainstreetrevival #forStouffville
Project Roadmap:
Here's what we have been working on in the background since 2017:
- Planning for the Future: Where will we be, and how will we use our space, in the next 3, 5, 10 years and beyond?
- Dividing the renovation into Phases: We can't do it all at once, so we began dividing the project into phases to help prioritize and plan for each step
- Engaging Architect Services for Phases 1-5: Architectural services and drawings were done up with Dickinson & Hicks Architects Inc. in spring 2018
- Application for Federal Accessibility Grant: In2one Community Church applied for the Enabling Accessibility Fund grant through the federal government in fall 2018
- Refining Focus of Phases:
*Phase 1 - Main Entrance
*Phase 2 - Lift between 3 levels
*Phase 3 - Barrier Free Washrooms
*Phase 4 - Lower Level/North End Rooms
*Phase 5 - Kitchen/Servery
- In2one Community Church Receives Enabling Accessibility Grant: In February, 2018, In2one Community Church was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Federal Government to be put towards Project Accessibility
- Engineering and Logistics: In April 2018, Engineering specs were completed for the project and reviewed by the steering committee
- Project Sent out for Tender: In May and June, 2018 permits were applied for and the drawings were put out for tender to allow contractors to bid for the project
- Bids Received from Contractors: In June 2018, quotes were received from a variety of contractors. They are currently under review by the steering committee to plan for next steps
- Application for Federal Funding: In2one Community Church applied for the New Horizons for Seniors Grant through the federal government in June 2019 to obtain additional funding for supporting seniors programs through the renovation of the kitchen
- June 2019 - The project was put out for tender and quotes were reviewed by the steering committee with the hope of the work starting in the Fall
- July 2019 - We received our building permits! Negotiations are going on with the contractors to set final costs
- August 2019 - Contractor MACD Construction was selected.
- September 2019 - In2one congregation cleaned and cleared away items to get ready for constructions crews. Thank you all who helped make it happen!