Burnett Update 101519

6am Prayer

Wow, I am glad you were praying! On both mornings the Enemy was fighting us. No one to open the door, the powerpoint tech came late, the sound tech wasn't ready so many couldn't hear, and my Thai was not-quite-awake. But about 80 women came - just under half of the delegates and they prayed!
The two things that happened next I am sure was in answer to our prayers. First, the conference leader got up and thanked me for praying through scripture and then challenged to women to do so in their churches back home. The Lord had led me to do this without me knowing that it was an area that needed growth. Praise God He knows our needs!
Second, the speakers the rest of the day each focused on an area that we had prayed through that morning. We prayed that the Lord would search our hearts for sin, they spoke on dealing with sin. We prayed that the Lord would show us any relationships we needed to make right, they walked us through forgiving people who have hurt you, etc. I believe Jesus used your prayers for the morning prayer time to soften the ground of our hearts for His message. Thank you. And may we have planted seeds for revival in the hearts of the our Thai sisters.

Fun times together... we women love to laugh, and each district tried to outdo the other as they shared fun and crazy talents each morning. Do we need some of this at the next Alliance women's retreat in Canada?

How about a "Mrs. C&MA"contest? Each district sent a representative, and I have to admit my politically-correct Canadian worldview dropped it's jaw a few times throughout the program. But they laughed the whole time.
Please Pray
1. Praise the Lord for His courage to lead the prayer times each morning, for the example that it was in spite of the disruptions, and for using it to prepare our hearts for His message throughout the day.
2. Praise the Lord that Derek and I are getting our classes ready. We're halfway through and have about 2 weeks left to finish. Thanks, Lord. Please would you pray with me, if the Lord wants us to run a Holy Spirit Encounter weekend in Feb. that He would lead me and take care of all the details it would entail.
3. Please pray for Derek. He is representing CMA Canada at a 2 day conference for the Evangelical Fellowship (EFT) in south of Thailand, trying to build relationships with southern pastors. We are hoping to make contact with men and women who have a heart for the Muslim who populate the South with a view to possibly partnering with them in the future. Please pray for divine appointments and safety in travel.
Concluding remarks
Thank you for faithfully praying for Thailand.
blessings from Khon Kaen,
bonnie for derek, carlin, jesse and jemma