Burnett Update 102919

They're baaaaaaack...

Today staff and students began with two days of spiritual emphasis before classes start on Thursday. It's nice to have the bustling liveliness back in the school! I have finished the outline preparation for Theology 4 and the pastor's wives course, but Derek has only half of the Genesis class and less than that of his NT Greek course done. On the upside, he has the rough draft of his last doctoral paper done. We have a team arriving this evening from Scarborough Chinese Community Church who will help lead worship the next two days and cook lunch tomorrow as well. This should be fun!

The ten interns returned from their 10-month service in churches and reported what God has done. Naah, is from Laos and he related how they are not allowed to meet in groups any larger than seven or the police will break up the meeting and throw people in jail. It makes it hard for believers to worship together. He described having to go into the fields and help farmers harvest their rice to be able to speak to them about Jesus. But praise the Lord! Just this last week two people gave their lives to the Living God. One day, you will meet them at His feet.
Please Pray
1. Praise God for His strength and wisdom as we have prepared for this term. Continue to pray for Derek's Greek preparation and please pray for our Thai and for much, much wisdom and Holy Spirit leading as we begin our new classes.
2. Pray for the team from SComm. They are with us for a few days and then will be serving in Phuket with the C&MA team there until Nov. 6. Each one wants to see if God has more for them to do in missions around the world. Pray for His leading and that they will meet Him in a new and special way.
3. Pray for the two who gave their lives to Christ in a little village in the mountains of Laos. Pray that they will grow in faith and the Holy Spirit. Isn't it fun to pray for them, knowing they have no idea who we are, but that one day we will meet them in heaven?!
Concluding remarks
From my class prep. this week: "The discipline of silence is the price we pay to get to know our God." AW Tozer May you and I be willing and grow to love spending time in silence before our God.
Be still. And know that I am God.
blessings from Khon Kaen,
bonnie for derek, carlin, jesse and jemma