Burnett Update 120319

Into the fields...

MaiTong and Chaw, a Hmong-Lao couple studying their first year at NBS asked for prayer, saying this... "When we went home for the term break we were burdened deeply again for the brothers and sisters in our village. They have no one to lead them, so they don't even meet for worship anymore! To add to it, division has arisen among the believers. It reminded us so clearly that we must study hard so that we can lead them to grow in Jesus. Please pray for our village - that the Holy Spirit will give them unity, heal their divisions, and prepare us well to lead them." Working from Hmong into Lao and then into Thai, both of these hardworking students struggle with the language barriers. MaiTong (husband) thinks he is only understanding about 50% of what he hears and Chaw about 70-80%. Consequently, their grade point averages are about 65-70%.. but it takes 75% to pass and come back for another year.

Wahoo! The Holy Spirit carried me through another chapel message today. He encouraged me through our Homiletics professor who told me "what you say is simple and easy to understand. And it sticks with me" Praise God! That's definitely Him working through your prayers. Thank you, Father. And thank you SO much for praying!
Please Pray
1. For MaiTong and Chaw's village. Pray for unity, healing and reconciliation among the believers, that Jesus' name will be glorified in their community.
2. for MaiTong and Chaw personally. Would you please pray that Jesus would help them with their Thai. That's usually your prayer for Derek and I, but these two need it just as desperately. They need to pass their classes this semester with good enough grades to pull up their low marks so they can return next year. They need His wisdom and mighty power, for sure! Pray also that their faith would be mightily strengthened as they depend on Him to train them for the work ahead.
3. Thank the Lord for giving me His message and for making it simple, easy to understand, and memorable. Please pray that we will remember and obey, and that He will bless our college mightily with His presence and power.
Concluding remarks
From Hudson Taylor... "there is no possibility of power in a life that is easy-going and which shrinks from the cross." May you and I not shrink from picking up the cross this week that we may walk in His presence and power too.
love from Khon Kaen,
bonnie for derek, carlin, jesse and jemma